Saturday, December 13, 2008

When Life gives you lemons...

...Why not replicate it 20x the actual size out of cardboard?
Here's my lemon. Well actually, the real lemon was left in the fridge over Thanksgiving break and when I came back, somehow the fridge was unplugged and my lemon was moldy. Luckily when I went back to the store, they had the same brand. (That was important because of the sticker)

This is what my life looked like for about a week.

45 hours total. My last day (when these pics were taken) was 16 hours.

And the final product:
Side view

Bottom view: Rind and sticker

These pictures don't show it that well, but it squeezes, like a real lemon wedge.

It was a very stressful project, and my nose bled every day for the whole week, but all in all, it was a lot of fun, and all of the art students really bonded I think.

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