Tuesday, February 24, 2009


The first research studio project of the semester (or the last, depending on how you look at it) is to record the deterioration/growth/evolution of something over the course of the semester. It was set into motion last week and will culminate at the end of the semester in May.

I have chosen to count how many times my professor says the word again in my colloquium class which meets for up to two hours every tuesday. Sometimes he is one of three instructors speaking and only uses about 30 minutes. Sometimes he is the only speaker and uses the whole class. Sometimes he does not speak at all. However, I have noticed that he says this word A LOT.

I started doing this on October 17 last semester and I am excited it has turned into an art project. (I will only use the count starting from this semester however). At the end of the semester, I will total up the amount of times he said the word and create a portrait of him using that specific amount of words.

I will keep an updated tally of the amount he says it. Check back each week if you are intersted.

Feb. 10

Feb. 17

Feb. 24
0 -- He did not present today.

Semester Total


This is an interesting concept I learned about recently in Art History. The photographer Philippe Halsman did a lot of work for Life Magazine in the 1950s. He usually would ask his subjects, which were celebrities, politicians, scientists, etc. to jump. He believed that at this moment, the person's "mask" was removed and you could see their true personality.
Philippe Halsman and Marilyn Monroe

This type of psychology analyzed such things as arm and leg positions, and facial expressions.
Edward Steichen

IDK who this is :/

For an extra credit assignment, we had to take our own jump portrait and analyze it using Halsman's techniques. Here's what he probably would have said about me:
*My arms suggest that I am trying to support something, such as family or friends. They are also trying to propel me upward, suggesting I have a plan or purpose in mind.

*My open hands tell the viewer I am relaxed.

*My legs are not held together but not spread far apart either so I am not reserved but I am not concerned with appearing masculine either.

*My smile says I am open to new experiences (such as jumping for a photograph) and me looking at the photographer means I am interested in what other people think of me.

Well at least that's what Philippe Halsman probably would have said.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Half & Half

First Design Project of the Semester:
Splice two images together 50/50 in a meaningful way.

Iceberg Cone

Italian Leather

Birth and Death

Science vs. Religion